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Building a Successful Youth and Family Ministry

So many churches just miss the boat when it comes to their youth and families. Building a successful youth program doesn't have to feel like pulling teeth. In this workshop you will learn the keys to building a program that is sustainable and strong.

Every minister knows that young families are the life-blood of the congregation. They bring energy and enthusiasm into the church. The church with a very high ratio of seniors to children is the church that will collapse in time. So why do so many churches struggle when it comes to their youth and families?

In this workshop we will learn

  • Why you can't have a youth ministry without a family ministry
  • The ONE thing you MUST HAVE to succeed with your youth ministry
  • The five skills needed by your youth and family ministry leaders
  • They keys to volunteer committment and enthusiasm
  • How to set realistic goals and how to define your success

In nine months, I took a youth ministry program from having one child per week (mine) to having 15 children per week -- with an average adult attendance of less than 65 per week! That is a huge ratio of children to adults. And that program is now a thriving entity that serves so many children that the church had to rent the house next door!

If you're ready to jump-start your youth and family ministry, email me at



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